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Year 5 Celebration of the Word
This week Year 5 focused their Celebration of the Word on the 2025 Jubilee Year of hope. We discussed inspirational individuals who have...

Year 4 explore the digestive system
Year 4 investigated digestion in their Science lesson today. The practical activity was great fun, but also very useful in helping the...

Early Years celebrate Chinese New Year
Early Years had a great afternoon celebrating Chinese New Year! We tried some Chinese rice, noodles and crackers. We even had a go at...

Nursery use their imagination
Our Nursery class love using old boxes to role play. They are so creative with how they use the boxes in their games. This week in the...

Year 3 explore light
Year 3 have been exploring how light travels in straight lines and identifying different sources of light

Eco-Warriors grow class plants
This week they have continued to grow plants for our classrooms. They've planted 14 Christmas Cactus plants. They will be taking care and...

Year 5 make alien soup
Year 5 had fun investigating different ways of separating materials to make alien soup! They tried sieving, filtering, using magnets and...

Year 5 explore Shakespeare
Year 5 had the opportunity to showcase their drama skills this week as they played characters from the tempest in a Shakespeare workshop.

Science club make lava lamps
This week Science club made their own lava lamps. We looked at why the carbon dioxide cause the bubbles that we can see.

RSC workshop
Y ear 4 and 5 were excited to work with an actor from the Royal Shakespeare Company, who led them in exploring the text and characters in...
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