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First Aid club
This week we were looking at head injuries. We even had a real first aid case to deal with. One of our friends cut their hand in...

Annual Achievement ceremony success
Tonight Bailey received an award at the annual achievement ceremony with Newcastle Council for all the fantastic work he's done for his...

Sewing club
At Sewing club today, we created our own designs and cut the felt to the shapes we wanted them. We then used a running stitch to attach...

Year 1 Forest School
Year 1 had a very exciting afternoon at Forest School hunting for the Gruffalo. They found lots of clues and then used mud paint to paint...

First Aid Club
This week in First Aid club we have been bandaging cuts/bleeds also learning how to put on a sling.

Yr5/6 STEM morning
Year 5 and 6 attended a STEM morning at Newcastle eagles. They looked at the Science behind shooting a ball and how the equipment...

Taskmaster Final!
Some of our Year 5 children visited Warwick University this week to compete in the Taskmaster final. They had to complete a series of...

Year 1 Celebation of the Word
Thank you to all parents that joined for Year 1's class Celebration of the Word yesterday!

Year 1 plants
Year 1 are so proud of how much their plants have grown!
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