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Year 6 Stay and Learn
Thank you to all of the parents that attended our Year 6 Stay and Learn sessions this week. Your children were very proud to show off...

Fire at Forest School!
Reception had a fantastic afternoon at Forest School today. They had a fire and toasted some marshmallows to make smores. They were...

Early Years celebrate Chinese New Year
Early Years have been celebration Chinese New Year this week. We shared some traditional Chinese food and even had a go at using...

Shrove Tuesday celebrations
We had a fantastic day celebrating Shrove Tuesday this week. We had a whole school pancake flipping competition where the teachers got...

Year 3 Computing
Today in Computing, Year 3 created a piano using the software - Scratch and played songs such as twinkle twinkle, Mary had a little lamb...

Year 1 Art
This afternoon, year 1 used different tools and objects to print and make marks on paper. We used: straws, cocktail sticks, foil,...

Bishop Bewick choir event
Well done to the children who represented our school today in Bishop Bewick’s choir event. Their behaviour was outstanding and they sang...

Year 4 Scientists
Year 4 Scientists began their lesson today with a bug hunt ! We are classifying vertebrates and invertebrates, and learning about...

Year 4 Celebration of the Word
Year 4 shared their Celebration of the Word this morning, with the focus on " Who is your hero? Who do you look up to?" The children...
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