Easter holidays School is now closed for the Easter holidays and will reopen to all children at the usual time on Tuesday 16th April. Thank you to all of...
Year 4 Green Treat Year 4 enjoyed their Green Treat to celebrate a wonderful Spring Term. Thank you for working hard Year 4.
Easter egg competition Thank you to everyone who brought in an entry for our Easter egg/bonnet competition! They were all absolutely fantastic and an extra well...
Year 1 visit Beamish museum Year 1 enjoyed a trip to Beamish this week to experience life as a Victorian child. They had great fun!
Bailey's Bears Today we raised money for Bailey's Bears charity by wearing non-uniform. Bailey in Year 4 shared the story of his charity that helps make...
Stations of the Cross This week we worked together as a whole school to create Stations of the Cross. Each class designed a station and classes had time to...
Girl's football final Well done to the girl's football team who proudly went to play in the Final's on Friday. They represented St Michael's so well and were...
Year 4 data logging Today Year 4 used data loggers in their Computing lesson. They measured sound, light and temperature around different areas of the...
Year 2 Palm Sunday celebration This afternoon Year 2 acted out the story of Palm Sunday. Jesus arrived on the donkey and the crowd waved palm leaves, shouting "Hosanna,...