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Eco-Warriors assembly
Our Eco Warriors led a fantastic assembly today about the importance of recycling. They provided us with lots of examples with things...

Year 1 and Year 4 Friendship bracelets
Year 1 and Year 4 joined together today to celebrate friendship. Together they made friendship bracelets, helping each other to twist...

Year 1 tasty treats on the fire
Year 1 had fun at Forest School today even if it was a bit chilly! They cooked bread on the fire and topped it with chocolate. Yummy!

Year 2 Forest School
Yesterday Year 2 had a go at using tools in Forest School. They used knives and practiced whittling. The children were super sensible....

Year 5 explore the Shang Dynasty
Year 5 explored what life was like during the Shang Dynasty and were able to discuss artefacts, make inferences about significant...

Reception Maths
Reception have been doing some super Maths work this week! They have been focussing on numbers within 5 and how we make them!

Student Council talk about kindness
Our Student Council led us in an assembly today all about welcoming others and being kind after their recent workshop at Scotswood Nature...

Headteacher Award winners 15.11
Well done to this week's Headteacher Award winners!

KS2 History workshops
Yesterday KS2 welcomed visitors from Durham university to complete some History workshops. Year 4 studied Ancient Greece . They made...
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