First Holy Communion
Children at St Michael’s will receive their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Year 4. The Sacrament of First Holy Communion helps us to become full members of the church. It is during the First Holy Communion where we receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time, this is the body and blood of Jesus.
Children spend time in class studying the Last Supper, where Jesus broke the bread with his disciples, similar to the celebration of Mass. The children also look at all parts of the mass but in particular the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the how the Holy Spirit transforms the bread and wine.
Alongside their lessons, children attend Mass with their families and are encouraged to discuss what they have learnt in their preparation lessons with people at home. Children also attend preparation workshops after school to explore and deepen their own faith. Parents join in with these also.
The ceremony takes place at St Michael’s Catholic Church. The children making their First Holy Communion join in a celebration with the parish community.