Governors meet twice each term and are appointed to:
Lead our Catholic school ensuring that the school's mission and life are at all times promoted and developed. They are accountable for assuring high quality in the provision of all the curriculum, including Religious Education, prayer and worship They appoint staff who enhance the distinctive nature of the school. They determine and monitor the school's budget and premises. They are responsible for school admissions and attendance.
The Governors of our school have further legal duties, powers and responsibilities, including safeguarding and health and safety. They act together, they cannot act individually.
At St Michael's, the governors are very well attended and everyone participates in discussions in order plan strategically, challenging the effectiveness of plans and policies and offer support as a 'critical friend' to the Headteacher and senior leaders. Where possible Governors attend school events and support the school by assisting on projects when asked. They are committed to providing a safe and happy place for the pupils of St Michael's, where they can achieve their potential.
The structure of the membership ensures there are strong links with the parish and the wider community.
Please find a list of our current members of the governing body and their category and any specific role they undertake:
Michael Scurr (Chair of the LCG)
Paula Gascoigne (Vice Chair of the LGC)
Belinda Ward (Vice Chair of the LGC)
Charlotte Chapman (Headteacher)
Father William (Foundation Governor)
Sally Justice (Foundation Governor)
Sam Blake (Associate Governor)
Jenny Consterdine (Staff Governor)
The Local Advisory Board can be contacted through the Chairperson, Mr Michael Scurr, at the school address.