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October half term
School is now closed for the half term holiday and will reopen to children on Monday 4th November 2024 at the usual time. All children...

KS1 dance!
Year 1 and 2 have been enjoying dance lessons this half term. Year 1's inspiration was the way animals move. Year 2's inspiration was the...

Year 1 Humanities
In Humanities, Year 1 have been learning about their local area. We took a walk around our local area and used our senses to notice key...

Reception Celebration of the Word
Thank you to the Reception parents that joined us for their class Celebration of the Word this week. The children were stars when...

Year 4 learn about Judaism
As part of our learning about other faiths, Year 4 have studied Judaism. We spoke about tolerance and respect, and why it is important to...

Student council visit Scotswood Garden
Student council went to Scotswood Natural Community Garden today as part of our work as a School of Sanctuary. They explored various ways...

PTFA games night
Everyone had a great time with their friends this week at the PTFA games night!

Reception and Year 5 buddies!
Yesterday our Year 5 and Reception buddies met for the first time! We know this will be a special bond for all of the children and Year 5...

Year 6 internet safety
This afternoon, Year 6 have been learning about how to spot scan emails and websites and even had a go at creating some of their own to...
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