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Early Years go round the Local Area!

On Tuesday 25th June 2019, we took a walk around our Local Area of Elswick, as part of our topic! Firstly, we walked towards the Newcastle Eagles Stadium! ‘That is where they play Basketball!’ said Riley.

Next, we walked up the steep hill to St Michael’s Church. It was beautiful and we looked at the beautiful stone and windows. ‘In the church we sing and pray’ said Elvira. ‘I came here for my brother’s communion’ said Bailey (Rec).

After that, we walked into Elswick Park. ‘This is where you can play’ said L. ‘We did our sponsored run here!’ said A.

Finally, we went to Cruddas Park Shops. ‘I got sweets from that shop’ said Rayan. In the shopping centre we saw a café. ‘It is 40p for some gravy!’ said Aro. We then came to the library where we looked at the brilliant books. Mrs Howe read us a story! Then, we walked back to our school. We love our local area!

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