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Welcome Back!


We can't wait to welcome ALL of our children back to school on Tuesday 8th September.

To make your child's first day back as easy as possible, we have attached two documents which outline the start/finish times for each year group, along with their allocated gate. If you have more than one child, please drop all of your children off at the time and place allocated to your eldest child.

If you require further assistance about returning to school or to read St Michael's risk assessment, please visit our school website

We ask that every child brings their own water bottle to school. If your child is in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 or is eligible for free school meals, they will be given a packed lunch from school. If they do not fall in any of the these categories, they should bring their own packed lunch to school.

Children are expected to wear full school uniform.

Let's make this the best year ever- One Community, One Elswick, One St Michael's.

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