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Saving the Carrots!

Miss Allison had such a bad headache! Livinia-Rose and Rayyan went to the freezer to find a ice pack! When they got there, they found something interesting… all of the carrots had been frozen by the Evil Pea! ‘Help get us out’ said the carrots. Livinia-Rose and Rayyan brought the carrots into the classroom.

We decided to put the carrots in 4 different places, to see which ones would melt in the fastest time. We put one outside, one by the radiator, one with hot water on and one with salt on.

‘I think the hot water one will melt first; said Sky.

‘I thin k the radiator one will melt first, because the radiator is hot’ said AJ.

‘I think the carrot outside will take 1000 minutes to melt’ said Joe

‘I think the one in the salt will take 81 hours to melt’ said Bailey.

We waited and watched for them to melt and made observations using our clipboards…

After an hour, we came together to investigate what had happened.

The hot water carrot had melted! ‘It melted first’ said Jordan.

All of the other carrots were still frozen. ‘The salt carrot is all slushy’ said Elsa.

‘We can flip it over and put hot water on the other side to melt the rest’ said AJ.

We left the 3 remaining carrots in their places, to see what will happen over night!

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