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Safeguarding General Overview

Working together to keep your children safe.

Ensuring that your child feels safe and secure at school is a key priority.  All staff, both teaching and non-teaching, receive regular training to make sure they have an up to date knowledge of current safeguarding best practice in schools.  This includes studying and learning from ‘serious case reviews’.  Training is provided by designated persons.  Members of the Governing Body and the Head Teacher also receive regular ‘safer recruitment’ training to ensure the selection process to recruit new members of staff includes important safeguarding checks.

E-Safety plays an important role in our curriculum in helping pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, in a rapidly changing world that is heavily reliant on the internet and the use of information technology.  To access a useful guide about e-safety, safe use of search engines and parental controls produced by school and CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), please follow the links below:

CEOPs Checklist for Parents and Carers

E-Safety guidance

If you ever have a concern about child safety or safety on the school site, please bring it to the immediate attention of a member of staff, so it can be responded to as soon as possible.

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